Pasture raised Roaster pigs


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Roaster pigs raised on pasture to the perfect size for roasting whole.

Kune kune pigs are true pasture pigs that you can raise in a pen, a backyard, or on pasture. They are grazing pigs that get their main diet from grass and plants, and on the homestead they can get a supplement from table scraps, fallen fruit, garden leftovers, and almost any bagged livestock food..

American Guinea hogs ( the black ones!) are a small breed of pigs that are excellent foragers and develop succulent and very flavorful meat with abundant soft fats for lard and sausage.

These are not big pink industrial pigs that are fed grain to fatten and butcher in 6 months!
They are fed on pasture and grow to roaster size in 5-6 months with much healthier and flavorful meat!!

Roaster pigs make a spectacular meal for holidays and events.  They can also be raised to full weight in 10 months to put packaged meat in the freezer — we recommend raising on pasture and veggie scraps for the highest quality pork.


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